How often do you pause
to appreciate what you have in life?
We often take for granted
the very things that most
deserve our gratitude.
I`m grateful to be healthy
I`m grateful to have food
I`m grateful to have a job
I`m grateful to have a family
I`m grateful to have feelings
I`m grateful to speak freely
I`m grateful to live in peace
I`m grateful for being alive
Be grateful for being who you are
and touching the world with your presence
“When you arise in the morning,
think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive-
to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love-
then make that day count!
the very things that most
deserve our gratitude.
I`m grateful to be healthy
I`m grateful to have food
I`m grateful to have a job
I`m grateful to have a family
I`m grateful to have feelings
I`m grateful to speak freely
I`m grateful to live in peace
I`m grateful for being alive
Be grateful for being who you are
and touching the world with your presence
“When you arise in the morning,
think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive-
to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love-
then make that day count!
Vakre bilder av en grusom plass...Jeg ønsker å reise hit en gang. Tror alle har godt av å besøke dette stedet for å skjønne hvor godt man har det!